2017Sunset 23 January 2017
23 January 2017
Sunset at: 5h16m40s p.m Azimuth: 246°11′ WSW *
Sunset at:5h19m20s p.m Azimuth: 246°35′ WSW (with refraction)*
The Sunset data take into account the depression of the horizon.
*All data provided by the opensource software “Cartes du Ciel”. The Sun is always below the horizon. Refraction data calculated from weather data (see below).
As you scroll the images, you can read (as provided by my Canon’s Exif data) the exact time when the Sun touches the horizon and the time of the last ray and of the last shot.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/YYRmq86uXak Gatto Corvino village ( Marina di Ragusa (Rg) Sicily – Ita )
Elevation: 178 mt
Observation:Omega Sun – Sunspot and Green Flash
“Notice how the red rim on the lower limb becomes wider as it approaches
the horizon, because of the vertical magnification near the fold line
of the inferior mirage. Also, because the inverted mirage image at the
sea horizon corresponds to a part of the Sun a few minutes of arc above
the horizon, the extinction gradient (combined with the limb-darkening
gradient, which acts in the same sense) makes the inverted image a
relatively bright line at the sea horizon.” Andrew T.Young
Weather data: weather data kindly provided by Protezione Civile – Porto di Marina di Ragusa (Rg) – Italy, as follows:
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg) Camera Time: 5h15m58s pm
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg)
- 23/1/17 Punta secca (Rg) Camera Time: 5h18m45s pm
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